How to Keep Children Safe From Mosquitoes This Monsoon Season

Some of us love the monsoons, but as parents, it can be hard to wake up to see our kids’ bodies covered in mosquito bites. What can we do to keep them safe? Are there any safe-to-use mosquito repellent sprays for pregnant women and kids?

We’ve got your answers right here.

It’s important to keep kids safe during the monsoons. Sure, it’s a relief from the hot weather, but it also brings many diseases like dengue, malaria, West Nile, and more that are transmitted by those pesky mosquitoes. And kids are especially vulnerable to these diseases. It’s important to take the necessary precautions to ensure that they remain safe, even if you’re not around to swat those mosquitos away.

5 Ways to Keep Children Safe From Mosquitos During the Monsoon

1.”Full” Clothing

One of the first lines of defense is clothing that covers most of your kids’ skin. This way, the exposed skin can be kept to a minimum.

You can get clothes with full sleeves, and long pants to help with this. Make sure to look for loose cotton clothing so that your kids get enough air exposure during humid monsoons.


2.Use Children-safe mosquito repellent spray

The best line of defense is to use a mosquito repellent spray that’s safe for kids. How can you choose the best mosquito repellent for kids? The easiest way to go about this is to go for an organic mosquito repellent spray.

Good organic mosquito repellent sprays are safer because they’ll contain no toxic chemicals. Of course, even if the label may say that the mosquito repellent spray is safe for kids, it is always best to read the labels and look out for any chemicals that might be harmful to your kids.

Choose an organic mosquito repellent spray that is free of DEET and is made of natural ingredients such as citronella or lemon eucalyptus essential oil. Lemon eucalyptus oil has been found to be especially effective to repel pests and mosquitoes. 

3.Use mosquito nets

Sometimes, those pesky mosquitoes can sneak in even when you’re taking the most care. At home, or when you take a toddler outside in their stroller, it is best to use mosquito nets that provide a safe barrier around your children. Use mosquito nets to cover your windows and doors to limit the entry of mosquitoes into your home.

4.Watch out for stagnant water

Collected stagnant water provides breeding grounds for mosquitoes. If there is any collecting near or within your home, make sure you either get rid of it or change the water regularly. Look out for leaky pipes, collected water in AC water trays, plant pots and more.

5.Use Organic Mosquito Repellent Vaporizers

One of the best solutions is to use an organic mosquito repellent vaporizer at home. Using mosquito coils can have adverse effects on the respiratory systems of your family. Using a vaporizer with a children-safe mosquito repellent that is made from natural ingredients will not only be safe but also add a pleasant aroma to your home.

Here are some tips to ensure you safely use organic plant-based mosquito repellents for your kids:

*Use any organic plant-based mosquito repellents or products according to the instructions on the packaging.
*Always read the labels to ensure all ingredients are safe.
*Never apply any mosquito repellent directly over cuts or bruises and make sure to keep away from kids’ faces and palms to avoid accidental ingestion.

You can use natural essential oils for your mosquito vaporizer or our mosquito repellent spray. Get them from our online store!

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